The first step to renting the pond - the choice of the pondin the good condition. Don't forget that for most purposes the use of the pond will need to clean and Refine, which requires specific investments. The cleaner the pond is, the less, consequently, you will have to conduct events for its purification, beautification and maintenance in proper condition. In addition, if you are planning to rent a pond for the organization of fishing, you should look for it in the most accesible areas of the other clients, you will have enough.
For rent pond should apply to the Executive body of state power or local self-government with the statement for granting in rent of the land on which is located the pond. According to the law it is impossible to rent a pond without land, within which it is located. The statement must specify for what purposes you will use a land plot, its size and location. Within one month the competent authority shall issue to the applicant the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory and the applicant at their own expense carries out cadastral work. After that within two weeks the decision on granting the land plot in rent and the contract rent. If the lease is for a term of more than one year, it is subject to registration in bodies of rosreestra.
According to the Water code, any permits and approvals for the provision of a pond to rent for fishing or fish farming is not required. However, in many other cases, the depletion of water resources, the use of the pond for recreational purposes, etc.) required to obtain a decision on the granting of a pond in use from authorities and to enter into a water use agreement with the competent authority. To obtain the solutions you must apply to the Executive body of state power or local self-government with the justification of the use of the pond. The water use agreement for the use of the pond will need to pay in accordance with the rates adopted by the relevant authorities.