The first is arithmetic. It is fine to study other school branches of mathematics. If the student is not able to perform simple arithmetic, then the exam will fail even with the first job. Ideally, if the student can solve simple equations, and complex inequalities, systems, etc.
To get a high score, knowledge of geometry should be at the top. As in other areas of the exact Sciences, the complex knowledge directly depend on simple, we need to start the repetition from the beginning. Determine better memorize. This will not only help in a difficult situation to find the optimal solution, but will allow a better understanding of the theory.
Textbooks 7, 8 and 9 class is easy to obtain in the school library. First you need to understand well the basic concepts such as point, line, ray, etc. Then study the theory, properties and rules. Problems need to be addressed on a mandatory basis, and not less than ten to each section. It will not take much time but will allow you good enough to master the material.
Another important component of the exam in mathematics – trigonometry. It is involved to a lesser extent, but also greatly affects the result. It are mostly in the 10th grade, so it is better to take the textbooks for this school period. Many students call this branch of mathematics is complex and it really is, so more attention should be paid to practice.
The beginning of the analysis are found in some variants, but there is Kimy. It is also better to repeat this body of knowledge, at least the main points: derivative, integrals, simple analysis functions, and so on. Special attention should be paid to the problems presented in the demo options, as other alternatives are unlikely to be used.
Tasks and parameters of the contest task, presented in part C, were not investigated in the course of the school curriculum, so that their development you will have to use additional material. It is best to download the real KIMS of yesteryear and complete tasks with them. Then make use of the library collections Olympiad or just very complex problems with solutions and read them carefully.
In addition to school knowledge, you need to prepare for filling out forms. Carefully read the information provided on the official website of the Ministry of education. Print out a few forms and practice filling them. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems directly on the exam.