To learn to joke and to amuse others possible, even if you are by nature modest and not accustomed to everyone's attention. Desire and practice, as well as a few simple rules will help develop talent and to attract the attention of others wherever you may be.
The first of the secrets lies in the spontaneity of the speech sound. If you don't repeat common hackneyed phrase, do not argue on hackneyed themes will draw attention to the monologue.
The second key point – what will make jokes. The main problem for those who like no mess, nothing comes out, is narrow-minded. Talk about what you do not know or know slightly non-winning move. To make jokes on a given topic, it is necessary to be sure. If the fact that you know very little, and the range of jokes will be small and will soon get bored listeners because of the monotony. Broaden your horizons, learn a lot about a lot, to have something to make a joke, when you decide to bring a smile on the faces of others.
Do not forget about the third key to success is practice. No skill doesn't come without work. The ability to amuse others is no exception. Kidding as much as possible, eventually the joke will become a natural part of a monologue or conversation.
If you're going to amuse others, forget about the excessive modesty and embarrassment. A joke is a performance in front of an audience, even if you sit in the pleasant company of friends, and that statement must be memorable. A joke to most liked joke and method of delivery. Tell yourself and others, have fun, because laughter prolongs life.