Make your choice in favor of one or another medical school. Among such institutions there is not a vowel rating. The first places belong to the universities of Kursk, Ufa, Moscow, Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg. Here you will gain more quality knowledge and skills. In its leadership selection criteria such as educational base and infrastructure of the University. For example, you should interest the presence of attached to the establishment of clinics, laboratories, extensive libraries and the ability to complete online courses.
Prepare for entrance examinations. To choose the necessary school subjects and thoroughly study them as early as possible, about two years before admission. Most likely you will need the knowledge in biology, chemistry and some other disciplines.
Prepare a package of the following documents:- passport and several copies of it (two or three);
- certificate of school education and its notarized copy;
- certificate of unified state exam in biology and chemistry, as well as multiple copies (two or three);
- six photos size 3x4 cm;
- medical certificate on form 086-y.Take the necessary documents to the admission Commission of the University or College in which you are going to do.
To enter the medical faculty will be a little easier, if you have any successes and awards in disciplines representing the medicine of particular interest.
The final and most important stage – entrance examinations. You have to take it seriously. Never use a crib, be careful in writing the test works, confident oral responses. Everything you say, try to bind to the medicine.