Depending on the plants and diseases using various concentrations of solution of copper sulphate. Spraying Apple, pear and quince dissolve 100 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. Spray the trees before the emergence and blooming of buds of two to five liters of solution per tree. When spraying apricot, peach, plum trees and cherries to ten litres of water, take 50-100 grams of copper sulphate. On one tree the flow rate of the solution equal to two to five liters. Gooseberries and currants treated in the same solution, that apricot and peach trees, but with the consumption of half a litre per Bush.
In early spring spend the spraying of plants to fight against fungal diseases, consumption of copper sulfate, 100 grams per ten liters of water. Disinfecting the roots of seedlings, they are dipped in a solution of copper sulphateand three minutes.
Also make disinfection of the soil, the flow rate in this case is five grams per ten liters of water. Potatoes spray before vysevki, making the solution in the flow of the copper sulfate – 2 grams per ten liters of water.The drug with proper breeding are not phytotoxic, do not affect the rotation, has a low toxicity to bees.
Make sure that the shelf life of the chemical has not expired. Handle planting is recommended in dry weather, at this time, no eating, no drinking and Smoking. Spend work, using copper sulphateand making sure that there are no animals and children. During the treatment of the plants with a solution of vitrioland the air temperature should not exceed thirty degrees Celsius. After completion of the processing plant solution, thoroughly wash hands with soap and water, wash your face and rinse the mouth.