You will need
  • - concentrated oil of eucalyptus or lavender;
  • - wine and honey;
  • - cabbage juice;
  • milk, egg, honey and butter.
The voice was as before beautiful and velvety, it is necessary comprehensive treatment. As a rule, it is possible to lose very quickly, and the recovery process is long and requires great patience and effort. The main effective treatment for hoarseness is breathing exercises by Strelnikova A. N. A full range of exercises to do every day. These exercises strengthen the vocal cords, so the voice is restored. That is why it is happy to use singers.
Inhalations with a few drops of concentrated eucalyptus oil or lavender will have a positive impact on his vocal cords.
When you restore a voice is very important to protect it, in any case not to strain, speak quietly and calmly. It is advisable to quit bad habits, especially Smoking and alcohol that adversely affect the voice.
Reception 1 tablespoon of good Cahors wine with a small amount of honey will relieve the throat from the unwanted accumulations that interfere with the voice, and he will become softer.
Fresh juice common cabbage is a wonderful remedy for loss of voice. It should take ½ - 1 glass 3 times a day.
A cocktail of milk with the eggs and a little honey with the oil in the form of heat very well and quickly restores the vocal cords.
Bee honey helps to restore the voice, if it daily to keep the mouth until dissolved.
Ensure that your voice remains both strong and soft, so it had a velvety and sonorous timbre to your voice gave positive emotions, take care of and cherish him. Get in the habit to do it every day for 10-15 minutes of breathing exercises Strelnikova. Indulge your vocal chords with honey. Then your voice will be beautiful, and you will be glad to chat.