First you need to determine the list of invited guests. For the convenience of do not list of people in mind, and make a list in Notepad, then you are sure no one will forget. Everyone you want to see on your birthday, should be warned in advance about a week people should get a verbal or written invitation, because everyone needs to adjust their plans.
After the guest list laid out, you need to decide where you will celebrate the holiday. By and large, you have two options. Either you satisfied birthday on their own (at home, outdoors, in the country), or go to a cafe or restaurant.
If you tend to the food option, then organize the occasion simply. You need to call or walk in to any establishment in advance to book a table. Don't leave it too late! It will be extremely frustrating if the day before a holiday will be that no more. One of the advantages of such a holiday is that you don't need to cook the meal, and indeed, every guest can order meals to their own taste. It is best to immediately pre-order, which will include drinks and snacks. They can begin the feast, while preparing basic dishes. Choose a spacious place, in which you can dance. If the company is big and noisy, it makes sense to order a separate room or area in order not to disturb others.
If the birthday is held on their own, the difficulties with the organization appears much more. First, you need to consider the menu. Coming up with meals, try to consider the tastes of all the audience, it has not turned so that the only vegetarian in the company's hungry as all the dishes with meat. Make a list of necessary ingredients and go shopping.
Remember that guests expect to have fun on your birthday, not to work! So no need to force someone to help themselves. To take the help of guests only in case if they will offer it. Consider when it would be a change of dishes so that guests do not stay hungry in anticipation of hot. To put on the table all the food at once, too, should not something have time to cool, or to melt, and without getting in someone's plate.
Birthday is not only a festive dinner, but also entertainment. If the apartment is not enough space, you offer your guests to play sedentary games, for example, Association or guessing the word on his forehead. If space allows, you can play in pantomime (without words when you need to show a word or expression) or dance. Don't forget about the neighbors! Late loud dancing are unlikely to appeal to their tastes. Ideally, after the feast you can go to a night club, such a change of scenery will be a good choice.