A review of the company you can write directly to her office. It must be specially designed, numbered and bound book reviews that leave customers and clients. It shall bear the stamp of the higher controlling entity. Such a book upon your request, you just have to provide.
Your opinion you can also post on the website of this company or at special sites, where clients and customers share with each other about the experiences that they had after reviewing the work and activities of a particular company.
In the beginning of the text you can introduce yourself, but can act as an anonymous source. But you also want to have your opinion treated with confidence and he helped other people to choose the right company for business partnerships, whether the sale of goods or provision of services? In extreme cases, identify yourself by username or Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
Describe the circumstances in which you were forced to get acquainted with the activities of the firm, enter the date when this happened. Describe the work performed by the company or the product that was sold with it. Assess one or the other.
Write your review objectively, comprehensively and in detail. Specifically, what we liked or did not like you specify what you see a violation of their consumer rights and the buyer.
Both positive and negative evaluation, it is desirable that you specify the names and titles of the representatives of the companywith whom you are directly communicated and to which you have applied.
Do not use obscene and inappropriate turns of phrase. Try to Express your opinion correctly and without any particular emotion. The company reserves the right not to publish texts that contain profanity, so try to find other, less intelligible words to evaluate your experience.
And do not be lazy to leave positive feedback, because often only resentment is the motivation to assess the performance of the company or its employees. Let's encourage those who work well!