Representations are different: to promote, to the application of disciplinary action, for dismissal, for assigning special ranks, etc. when writing the submission to the appointment, specify for yourself its main goal: to Express the initiative and offer to transfer the employee to a new job step and justify this decision.
Conditionally divide the document into two parts. One is header, another is the main. First the important details: date (number optional), view (view) title.
A strict approach to the definition of the name submission no. There is, for example, such options: "the Idea of transfer to the post", "View the appointment".
In the main part of the presentation, include the following employee information: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, position. You can start a document line - established language with a stamp: "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (the data) is submitted to the appointment of (name)".
Next, make a reference to education (which educational institution graduated from, when, what profession and specialty got).
Give the characteristic of production (labor) activities of the employee. Use the data the work book or other documents confirming the experience, the experience of the candidate. Describe the main grounds for a recommended moving the "ladder" . If it is a higher position, indicate the subordinate merit, his achievement, and success.
Rate the employee performance in my previous position as a whole, its role in realization of important projects of the organization and the performance of special assignments. Specify the relation of the worker to the case, analyze the quality of the performance of official duties. Check the professional skills, individual abilities.
The final part of the presentation fill in the following details: signature of the originator of the document, the conclusion of experts of personnel service (in the absence of other structural subdivisions of the organization), a note on the consent of the employee for a transfer to another position.
Take note: for any organization is always painful personnel changes, with which the use "of the resource's internal reserve" is predictable. That's why more and more enterprises are developed the so-called rotation programme is planned for the future job displacement "horizontal" and "vertical".