You will need
  • A few roses, apparatus for freeze dry (sublimation machine).
Separate the rose petals. You can freeze and a rose with a stalk, but the process may take much more time and lead to unpredictable results. It is recommended to freeze the petals.
Place the petals into the apparatus to dry deep freeze and set temperature equal to -7 degrees Celsius. Frost roses will occur in the vacuum space, which will speed up the freezing process.
After completion of the freezing process install normal (room) temperature on the unit, which will gradually return to a new temperature state. The rest of the process called "sublimation", will take about two weeks. During this process the water contained in the petals, turns into a gaseous state, allowing to permanently preserve the color and shape of the petals.
Store frozen rose petals should be in a cool dry place or in the refrigerator.