Remember that menorrhagia can be caused by serious illnesses such as inflammation of the ovaries, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, swelling, decreased production of thyroid hormones. In this case, of course, you need to treat the underlying disease, and does not seek only to stop the bleeding. With intensive bleeding, consult a doctor.
With abundant discharge be sure to take iron, mindful of the fact that any menstruation, especially menorrhagia is a kind of chronic blood loss and can lead to iron deficiency anemia.
Of drugs that reduce uterine bleeding, use ascorbic acid, it helps to increase the strength of the vascular wall and involved in the process of blood clotting. It can be taken orally in its pure form or in the form of ascorutin, in a daily dose of 100 mg, or impose intramuscularly to 2 ml 1-2 times a day. In case of excessive blood loss use a solution of 12.5%etamzilata sodium intramuscularly.

Keep in mind that traditional medicine in your case is efficient enough to give his preference for the decoction of nettles or broth shepherd's purse ordinary. Eat them freshly made, Bay 2 teaspoons dried herbs Cup of boiling water and insisting 5-10 minutes. Drink ½ Cup 2 times a day for the entire period of bleeding.
Limit physical activity, do not take hot showers, do not visit sauna. They contribute to raising blood pressure and increase the likelihood of any bleeding.