You will need
  • Computer, software, keys, cards DVB-S or DVB-S2.
Install the program ProgDVB. It is most expedient to install verified 4 version. Download and install also the codecs for MPEG2 and MPEG4.
A custom program. We denote the function of time shift Timeshift, select a location for the capture file, you specify its maximum size. Install Elecard MPEG-2 codec.
Run the program. In the setup menu select device list, it indicates the type of graphics card. Next in the menu go to the tab "DISEqC and providers". "Empty" again indicates the type of video card and Converter. In the tab "what is a satellite configured" denote the required satellite. Select "channel Search".
If there are no keys, we use the method of sharinga. To do this, use the card with DVB-S or DVB-S2 as well as a plugin for ProgDVB CSCLient. In the csc file.ini copy the line of access from the sharing server. Run ProgDVB. In the plugin menu select Cardserver Client and it is celebrated Active.
Select the channel, go to the tab "channel Properties". Depending on the interest of the package, quoting Ref.