You will need
- upholstery material, hammer, clove with big heads, tracing paper, pencils, eraser, scissors, glue, staples, heat gun, sandpaper
Before the transformation of old furniture need to understand how global changes. For example, just to make new lining, but you can completely redo this or another piece of furniture. With a shell, everything is easy and simple. The fabric you choose on your taste. It should not be very thin to not quickly break. Before buying a material estimate approximately how much you will need. To buy best stock. The inventory will be useful in case if you spoil any part of the material.

Carefully remove the old upholstery. Do it carefully and gently. The old padding can be attached to studs. If it is connected with glue, it is best surface to heat the building Hairdryer. Removing the old upholstery, check the furniture for the presence of rotten parts. If there are, then they need to be cleaned or replaced.

To make precise measurements, to have an idea on how to cut fabric. Write down everything on paper and calculate, checking several times. Please note that the material should be more than enough for a few inches. Then make the pattern. To do this, use tracing paper. The pattern does not dispose of, because she may be useful to you. The pattern mark the contours of the parts on the material. Cut out the details.

Take a foam thickness of 3-4 cm. Of it make details, which will be located between the fabric and detail of the furniture. Now try to try the foam and material. If all is good, then you can begin to build. Select mounting method. You can use small nails with big heads. Also suitable bracket. Once you fully attach the padding - check the accuracy of the work performed. No stud or clip should not stick them with the pointy end out.
Your new furniture is almost ready. If desired, you can decorate the cover with beads, fringe or embroidery. It all depends on your imagination
Carefully check all measurements to make sure.
Useful advice
If you are new to kraanium material, ask for help those who have such experience