If you applied a toning shampoo in accordance with the enclosed instructions and strictly follow all the recommendations, the shade will gradually fade and almost completely washed away for 7-10 times. Wash your hair daily, then a week later, the shade that does not suit you, will disappear.
In that case, if the toning shampoo was applied on bleached hair or on fresh Perm, can be unpredictable and quite long-lasting colour effect. It happens if you used a different color shampoos, before completely washed away the previous color. In this case, the solution may be a repaint. Do it from professional masters, who will pick up the right shade and correct hair color.
There are special professional tools, with which you can wash off even persistent hair dye. They are produced by cosmetic companies and companies in the hair care and represent usually shampoo and deep cleaning emulsion for removing paint from hair.
To make the tone less bright and intense, you can put on the hair mask. Its purpose is different, but the effect it also will allow you to obtain.
Use folk remedies – oil or kefir masks. Kefir apply to hair, put a rubber or plastic cap and wrap head with a towel. Leave the mask on hair for 1.5 – 2 hours, then rinse with warm water.
The pharmacy can buy black soap "Grandmother Agafya", wash the head several times, the paint should go. This soap is natural and does not contain substances capable of causing great harm to hair. But after all the recovery procedures still do a couple times a hydrating mask for your hair to come to life after all these stress.