You will need
  • loganberries;
  • - umbels of wild carrots;
  • - buckwheat;
  • - yogurt;
  • - Fig.
Drink plenty of fluids. Adults need on average about 2 liters of water a day. With a shortage of water metabolism in the body slows down, and the excretion of salt is less active.
Chronic disorders of the salt exchange, you must contact your doctor. To identify the excess of certain salts in the urine is possible even at home. Collect the morning urine in a jar and let it stand for a day. A white precipitate on the walls give the phosphates, alkaline and calcium salts. Red crystals indicate the surplus of uric acid. If the bottom of the banks there appeared a black or red precipitate in the body accumulate oxalates.
White salt often accumulate in the spine, causing low back pain. To get rid of them, if you drink tea made from wild carrots. One dry the umbrella of carrot seeds pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink four times a day for a quarter Cup. From the alkaline and calcium salts cleans the body's the infusion of cranberries. Fresh berries fill a third container, pour water and leave for a day. Cranberry infusion to drink instead of regular tea or coffee.
A good remedy for removing salts are rice and buckwheat. Pour 2 tablespoons of ground buckwheat with a Cup of yogurt, stir and eat in the morning. Only five days of this Breakfast will help you to cleanse the body and improve metabolism. On the night pour 3 tablespoons of rice and a liter of water. In the morning drain the water, add fresh and boil for 5 minutes. Again, drain the water and again boil for 5 minutes. This procedure must be repeated four times. Cooked therefore rice must be eaten and then 3 hours to refrain from eating. In this case, the figure performs the function of the sorbent. It extracts from the body and removes salt.
Remember that deal with the excretion of salt at home is not recommended for people with chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also dangerous such treatments can be for hypertensives and people with metabolic disorders.