Traditional timetables of the movement is to go to the train station and see the schedule of arrival and departure of trains. In this case, you can be confident in the accuracy of the information, besides you have the possibility to buy the ticket. Its purchase will need a passport.

Usually find out information about the movement of trains by telephone, by calling the information service center you are interested in the train station. Calls to this phone are usually free. Need a phone to call in help by phone 09 or 090 (cell phones, in different regions and for different operators, it may be different).

It is very convenient to know the train schedule via the Internet. Most major train stations have their own net Internet sites, you can find them very simply, by entering the appropriate request. For example, you need to know the train schedule at the station of the city of Novosibirsk. Type in a search engine, such as Google, the query "station Novosibirsk train schedule". You will get many options, among which you will find the information you need.

Thanks to the Internet, the passengers have the opportunity not only to learn the train schedule but also book tickets from the comfort of home. Just go to the website of the RZD (Russian Railways), to register. After that you want to view the timetables on the area that interests you and choose the right train. Then, select departure date, select the seat option – General, reserved seat, compartment, etc. In the list of available places you can choose the one that suits you best (bottom, top, side). After that, you will have to pay the ticket by credit card, while its cost is the minimum possible, as it eliminates any margins. When ordering a ticket once it is paid and linen. When the payment process is successfully completed, you must print out the on-screen order form. With this form you come to the cashier station before the train departure and get hands on booked. You must have a passport.