To teach a cat to clean teeth owners need more from an early age. Kittens are usually quickly get used to brushing your teeth, but an adult cat eventually begins to treat this procedure safely.
To avoid when brushing your teeth cats consequences of its possible aggressive behaviour, claws Pets are kindly requested to trimming.
The owner before cleaning the cat's teeth should be carefully wash hands with soap and to process them in any antiseptic.
Before cleaning the teeth, a cat should sit on his lap, gently talk to her, to stroke, to soothe. In General, try to assure the animal that nothing wrong with her not going to happen.
So the cat at least a little accustomed to the new action, the teeth of her to begin with, can be cleaned without opening your mouth. Then, when the animal brushing your teeth should be slightly open his lips. Then normally to open the jaws and clean the teeth from all sides.
To clean the teeth of cats can be wound on the index finger with a gauze, cotton swab or baby toothbrush. As toothpaste use baking soda, peroxide or tooth powder.
It is unlikely that the cat will be easy to take to cleaning their teeth the first time, so the owner of the animal should ask a helper who can hold her by the legs and the collar or submit the required tool.
During the process of brushing your teeth with a cat should speak, diverting it thus from the possible discomfort caused by the new procedure.
Outer surface of the teeth of cats should be cleaned in a circular motion or vertical, from the gum to the tips of the teeth.
To clean the teeth of cats should be very careful and cautious not to damage the gums.
Once the owner realizes that his pet is accustomed to cleaning the outside of the teeth, it can move to brushing your teeth indigenous. For this, you will need to hold your cat's head back.
After every time you brush cat brush must be placed in a special baby sterilizing solution, diluted according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
To eliminate harmful to the health of a cat plaque clean the teeth of the animal should be daily. Then, in the preventive purposes the procedure of cleaning the teeth must be carried out once a week.