You will need
  • Before you wash your jeans in the washing machine, buy detergent, preferably liquid, designed for the washing of denim clothing. It may also be a dry powder for washing dark denim things. You can still get the conditioning rinse if the fabric on the jeans are quite thin. Well, it's not necessary.
First, turn the jeans inside out. Look carefully and fasten all zippers, which they are. This will protect the clothes from shedding, deformation and microreserves.
Before washing, run the washing machine settings. With today's variety of washing machines, it is possible that you has a special programme for washing denim clothes. If not, then pay attention to the label on your jeans, which should be written as to wash them in the machine. The temperature should be not more than 40 degrees, the number of revolutions is 800-1200, the washing time is about 1 hour. Pour (pour) the powder or liquid into the container if necessary, add the conditioner, put jeans in the machine, put the desired program and start to wash.
After the program has finished its work, remove jeans from the washer, shake them out and hang on the dryer. If you feel that denim can stretch, try to dry them in a horizontal position on any surface. This will allow things to stretch and retain their original appearance. After the jeans have dried up, to caress them.