Delete all his contacts. Less than these painfully familiar figures will stay out of your way, the faster the telephone number will begin to fade from your memory. Even if all your thoughts are unfulfilled dreams that you still will be fine, if no room you will have less temptation to call the former at any time of the day.
Possibly save yourself from those things that remind you of its existence. If all solved, and you won't be together, why do you need the extra pain and memories that may cause accidentally found his forgotten towel or shirt you've got? But before you clear the area, prepacyte phone away or even give him to a friend to accidentally break and not call the ex-boyfriend.
The next time you want to dial a number for a second think that you are going to say to him. If you have prepared another stream of angry cries or tearful pleas for the return, it is unlikely that ex-boyfriend immediately apologize and return. It is likely that he just will not talk to you or put you in the "black list". Try to write him a letter, the scope and text of which will be absolutely free. Pour out on paper what I think, not ashamed of his own thoughts. Only at the end do not send a letter and burn it or just tear into small pieces.
Start to take up the free space, time and mind with new objects, people, and interests. Try to lead an active life, fill your day with chores and in free time try to avoid loneliness. No matter how corny it sounds, but in this situation you need time. How much it will need is unknown, but only you decide how you will spend it. So help yourself deal with the breakup and try to look optimistically forward.