You will need
- hydrogen peroxide;
- - sterile bandage or cloth.
The language consists almost entirely of muscle, he is very agile. When injury requires treatment, which has its own characteristics and complexity. For example, even the weakest (capillary) bleeding stops very slowly. Therefore, the injury site is followed by applying a tampon.
Take a small sterile cloth or piece of sterile bandage. Fold several times, attach to the damaged tip of the tongue and how would etcnice the tip of the impacted teeth. After some time the bleeding has to stop. Due to the fact that the mouth is always a lot of saliva, tissue not to cleave to a healed wound.
Some doctors suggest pre-moisten a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and for credible assurances that it will not dry and to disinfect wounds.
If a damaged lateral part of the language should similarly apply the cloth and press it to the inside of the cheeks. Well, when you damage the top part to press the swab should be imposed to the sky.
Worst of all, if the underside of the tongue, because that is where is most blood vessels. In this case, the bleeding is stronger and more abundant. So put gauze or tissue under the tongue, pressing it on top with your finger or a spoon. If necessary, from time to time, change your tampons.
If the bleeding fails to stop (i.e. tampons wet with blood at the same speed and intensity), should as soon as possible deliver the victim in medical institution. The same should be done if bleeding is from the outset was so strong that we can assume damage to the vein or even artery.
After rendering of medical aid within a few hours the patient should not eat or drink hot. But to suck a piece of ice would be helpful!