You will need
  • - alcohol;
  • - sterile bandage;
  • - sterile cotton wool;
  • - sterile gauze;
  • - a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • - antiseptic;
  • - bactericidal ointment;
  • - hypertonic solution;
  • "Protex-TM";
  • "MultiTerm";
  • - anti-bedsore mattress.
Treatment of pressure ulcers should be carefully monitor the cleanliness and sterility. Wash your hands with gloves or antibacterial soap and cut your nails short. All utensils and appliances used for the treatment of pressure sores should be disinfected with alcohol. Purchase at the pharmacy, sterile bandages, cotton wool and gauze.
Start with local treatment of pressure sores. This requires three times a day to lubricate the affected surface of the skin with chlorhexidine solution and rinsed with antiseptics (for example, a strong solution furatsilina). Then treat the wound hypertonic solution and apply antibacterial ointment. It is not recommended to use potassium permanganate, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and Zelenka. These tools dry the skin surface and damage the granulation tissue.
Pick the right tool for the healing of bedsores. Assess wounds for the presence of necrosis, that is, dead pieces of skin, muscle tissue and pus. If the sores contain white or gray necrotic tissue, use of funds for biological purification of wounds (Protex-TM). If the sores clean, but a little inflamed, use healing tool "MultiTerm". Before you change the bandage, clean the wound with chlorhexidine.
Periodically turn the patient from side to side, not less than four times per day. The bed should be a real helper in the fight against pressure sores. Put the patient on the bed is thick and soft mattress without bumps and hollows, the top lay the broad cloth, then a clean sheet. It would be ideal to buy in a special store medical supplies, anti-bedsore mattresses. It is based on a scheme of constant change those points on which the patient lies, has a massage effect.
If during the month you are not able to cope with pressure sores on their own, seek medical help from the surgeons. Delay could be dangerous for the patient and can lead to amputation of limbs. Turning to the surgeon be sure to ask whether it has experienced plastic treatment of pressure sores.