Read carefully all the information on the packaging — occasionally the storage conditions are still printed, but only for unopened packaging. How to keep mashed potatoes already open, for example, indicated not always. If for any reason there is no information, then follow the known rules store baby food.
Do not leave opened a jar last more than two days in the fridge — baby food spoiled forever. Heat is not the whole jar, and just the right amount, otherwise the maximum period of storage is reduced to one day. Standard storage temperature — 0 to +12 º C for unused package of baby foodopened For M. banks 0 to +4 ° C (normal temperature in a refrigerator). If you can not keep an open jar in the fridge, then shelf life is reduced to 4-6 hours, depending on ambient temperature. To +20 ° C - 6 hours, over 4 hours.
Discard the puree or yogurt, if in doubt, feed the child food which has been standing for three days in the refrigerator. Baby food in the shops enough for all, and a powder product by that time may contain a decent amount of bacteria and substances produced as a result of oxidation manufactured weight. Remember that the appearance and smell of the product remain the same for almost the entire period of storage, so it is very difficult to distinguish the already expired product from normal. The child's health should be more valuable than a few extra jars.
Pay attention on the conditions in which stored baby food in the store. Refrigerated shelves and no expired products will inspire confidence, whereas a temperature of 30 ° C and located on a regular rack jars should make you doubt the purchase. It is worth remembering that the difference between imported and domestic goods on the shelves almost there: transportation in Europe is carried out under strict supervision, but in Russia as foreign products and the domestic is shipped without adequate control.