Connect your smartphone, running Android to computer using USB cable and wait until you identify the machine by the computer as a new USB device. Outwardly, nothing more is happening. In order for a phone was identified as a new external drive, you will need to move the status line at the top of the smartphone screen down and click on the "USB connected".
Wait until you see the information message about the connection, and then click "Mount SD card" at the bottom of the phone screen. Then call the main system menu of the desktop by pressing the "start" button and click "All programs."
Open the link to "Standard" and run the application "Windows Explorer". Locate the memory card in the directory. Now, it appears as a removable USB drive.
One of the main reasons for connecting mobile devices running Android, to a desktop computer for many users is the desire to obtain access to the Internet. To do this, return to the main menu "start" and type cmd in the text box of the search string. Open the context menu and found the command line utility, click the right mouse button and select the "Run as administrator".
Type in (netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="MS Virtual WiFi" key="Pass for virtual wifi" keyUsage=persistent) in a text box with a command shell of Windows and to confirm the selected action by pressing the function key Enter.
After that, type the following command at a command prompt (netsh wlan start hostednetwork). Save the made changes by pressing again the function key Enter. These actions will lead to the creation of a virtual wireless network adapter in the system.