Preparing to visit the temple, think about what you want to tell God what to pray than to repent.
The service should dress modestly, cleanly and neatly. Women should wear a long skirt with a blouse or a dress that conceals the shoulders, chest and legs above the knees, and his head covered with a handkerchief. Makeup should be minimal, and lips, it is better not to paint. Men need to be dressed in pants and shirts, shorts and t-shirts are not allowed, and headgear upon entering the temple is supposed to shoot.
To put the plugs in, to scrapbook, to pray to the images of saints, come to the Church in advance for 15-20 minutes before the service. At the entrance to the temple three times, cross your right hand and take a bow. Please turn off your cell phone, get rid of extraneous thoughts.
Entering the Church, post notes on the health and for the repose of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Put a candle for the repose – on the eve with a small crucifix, which is different from other rectangular shape, and for the health – for every candlestick. Attached to the images of the saints, touching the lip of the lower part of the icon.
Try to get a good seat to see and hear. If it's hard to stand all of the services, sit down for a while on the bench, but be sure to get up when we open the Royal doors and during the reading of the gospel. Don't turn your back to the altar.
During the service, do not look around, not looked at the parishioners, do not talk, do not be distracted from the prayers and chants. It is impossible to walk on the temple, pass the candle. If you came to the temple with children, explain to them that you need to be quiet, not make noise and not to run.
When the priests makes the sign of the cross, the gospel, the Holy chalice or the image crosshairs and bow the head, and under the overshadowing of the cross, incense or candles only need to worship. When praises the Holy Trinity or Jesus, the beginning and end of each prayer, and the words "Lord, have mercy" and "Lord, Give" should be baptized.
Remember the whole order of the service is possible with experience, but if there are none, then just do the same as others: be baptized, make a lap or prostrations, pregledajte head, sing, etc.
It is advisable to stand the whole service, seeing it not as a duty but as a sacrifice to God. If for some reason you need to leave before it is finished, try to do it so as not to disturb other parishioners.