You will need
  • - antibiotics;
  • - ear drops;
  • - camphor oil;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • - cotton swabs.
Make an appointment at your local hospital or contact a private clinic. Curing otitis media yourself is impossible, therefore, to visit ENT doctor you still have. After the inspection you will pick up the treatment. In acute stages of otitis media needs a course of antibiotic therapy. Take prescribed medication according to the pattern that was prescribed by a specialist. In some cases, produce a puncture of the tympanic membrane, after which the patient's condition improves.
If the inflammation is not strong, most likely you will be assigned only warming or antibacterial drops. Use them in strict compliance with the instructions. Do not drip more often than recommended. Inflammation faster would not take place. Improvements will appear not earlier than in 2-4 days, in some cases — a little later.
If you want good help camphor oil. Drip into the sore ear a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to dissolved sulfur. Blot the moisture with a cotton pad and clean the passage with chopsticks. Only after that, put camphor oil.
Dry heat also helps in treatment of otitis media. But a warming not in the presence of pus, as it may not out and inside, which will cause serious complications. Ask your doctor for advice.
Buy at any pharmacy herbalcandles. Carefully read the annotation. Light one end candle, and the opposite insert in the ear passage. Procedure is carried out several times a day until complete healing.
Visit the doctor to have it re-examined the inner ear. Sometimes disappear only symptoms of otitis media, when the inflammation subsides only slightly. In this case, the necessary adjustments to previously prescribed treatment. May also need additional tests, especially if the otitis media is no more than 2-4 weeks.