You will need
  • - herbal medicine;
  • - maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia is very diverse: increased weather sensitivity, sensation of heat or of chilliness in the usual conditions of temperature, palpitations, unpleasant symptoms in the intestine, unstable blood pressure, complaints of headache or dizziness, a disorder of the genitourinary system. a Variety of disorders so much that the diagnosis of VSD is often difficult, and usually is a diagnosis of exclusion after an EKG, the study of the visual fields, examination, optometrist, cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist, clinical blood and urine.
Only after all the research, identify the weaknesses in the health of the patient possible treatment selection. Usually, you need comprehensive improvement of the whole organism, as well as direct effect on the autonomic nervous system. Medication prescribed by your doctor individually, based on the patient's condition. But the main requirement is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
First, a correction of the functions of the organs that cause the most concern. At pathology of gastrointestinal tract it is recommended to use fees of the herbs recommended for colitis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, but in a dose lower than in acute disease. Food should be moderate and varied.
When liver pathology limit fried and fatty. Apart from medicinal herbs, it is recommended that course reception hepatoprotectors – "Kars", "Essentiale Forte", etc.
Renal diseases – take "kidney tea", limit salty and spicy food.
Arrange the correct mode of work and rest. Perform daily physical exercise, but not to fatigue. Useful swimming, fast walking, tennis, etc.
Contrast showers, regular massage, meditation, anger management, aromatherapy, music and color therapy, acupuncture and acupressure, communion with nature – relate to the activities that contribute to a significant improvement of the ANS.