You will need
  • - medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • - the locking collar;
  • orthopedic pillow and mattress.
The first symptom of pinched nerve is sharp or nagging pain when turning the head, the patient is forced to turn whole body to look in any direction. Often the body temperature rises to the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees, are headache, dizziness, General malaise. If you have these symptoms, immediately consult a neurologist.
You will appoint treatment, which will primarily be aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain. Will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in pill or injection, ointment for external use. Most often to relieve pain and inflammation prescribed "Ketonal", "Piroxicam", "Indometacin", "Diclofenac", "Movalis". As anesthetics: "Baralgin", "Ketorol", analgin.
Below the cervical spine was in a state of complete rest, you will recommend wearing a retainer collar which you can purchase in specialized pharmacies in your area.
When pinched cervical nerve is very difficult to sleep. Take light sedative herbs: motherwort, peppermint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, Valerian.
After removing the acute phase of the disease will prescribe electrophoresis, massage, acupuncture, ozone therapy, manual therapy, leech therapy, medical gymnastics.
Also, be sure to write the b vitamins in injectable or tablet form for oral administration.
The entire course of treatment avoid high physical loads, follow all recommendations of your doctor. After treatment you will prescribe medications, restoring the cartilage tissue, for example, "symptoms", "Tarafleks".
For the prevention of pinched nerve use for sleeping orthopedic pillow and mattress, control your posture while working at the computer, while watching TV, while reading and writing. Reduce weight lifting, do daily morning exercises.