Cucumbers are very tender plants, they are absolutely not adapted to survive in our climatic zone, so their cultivation should be approached with particular zeal. Planting cucumbers begins with the selection of seed. Do not lead to bright images, which are full of numerous packaging. In today's seed market cucumbers which only will not meet. But do not lose your head, purposefully look for those varieties that are familiar to you. For a beautiful picture can hide the seeds of varieties which, in our climate simply will not grow, accordingly, no harvest you get. Time and money will be wasted.
Open house purchased packaging, sort seeds manually. Empty, traumatized and shrunken seeds are not even worth trying to plant anything good from them will not grow. Wet the cheesecloth, wrap it healthy seeds, place on a saucer with water and place in a warm place for a day or two. In the meantime, fill the pots with soil.
The ground for the seedlings should start to prepare in advance for a couple of weeks before planting, and even better in the fall. Every gardener has their own recipe secrets, but ordinary soil for cucumbers should contain equally of garden soil and compost. Cucumber roots very easily break off, so better to land fill peat pots with which seedlings can be transferred on a bed.
Make each pot at the two hollows of the finger some distance apart, dip them in cucumber seed, sprinkle the earth and pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Cucumbers – light-loving plants, so keep the seedlings in a well lit area at a temperature of about 18-20 degrees.
Literally after 3-4 days you will have the first shoots. Without excessive pity discard sickly plants. To water the seedlings should be through the day, to water you can add special feeding and fertilizer. 25-30 days you will be able to plant cucumbers in the open ground.