For the treatment of dysbiosis, which is characterized by the violation of the microflora of the intestineand the doctor will probably prescribe probiotics - preparations containing live microorganisms of the normal microflora of a healthy person. The purpose of this treatment is to restore the impaired reception of antibiotics the balance of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. By doing to your intestines, normal microorganisms will begin to multiply rapidly and destroy the existing bacteria.
You need to know what probiotics are available in 2 forms - liquid and dry. The first category includes the following common probiotics: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, hilak-Forte, Biovestin lactée, and among the most often prescribed by physicians dry probiotic Linex, and bactisubtil probifor. Before prescribing these medications speak with your doctor, probiotics what shape you would prefer to take. Liquid medicines of this group are considered to be more effective and useful, but you need to keep them in the refrigerator only that may not always be convenient for the working person.
An important factor in the treatment of dysbiosisarising after reception of antibiotics, is diet. It will be easier to cope with this disease, if you give up foods with spices, mushrooms, garlic, smoked meats, pickles, sorrel, onions, spinach, chocolate, carbonated beverages, ice cream and sour fruit. Do not eat sweets and sweet products that may cause in your intestinal tract is the fermentation process. During the treatment period, which usually lasts less than 10 days, your menu must contain milk products, dairy products, vegetables and sweet fruits. You can also include in your diet lean meat and bread with bran. A good therapeutic effect than having applesauce that is recommended to use several times a day.