You will need
  • - medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, series)
  • - eucalyptus oil
  • children's inhaler
  • - children's cough syrups ("Dr. Goodman", "Doctor", "Bronchium", "Tussamag")
  • - drink plenty of liquids (fruit juices, compotes, herbal teas)
No child is immune from colds. Colds can cause a lot of discomfort breastfeeding the baby, but to cure the child is not so difficult. Enough time to see a doctor and closely follow his advice, and soon a child's cold will not be over.
The first step to recovery is to call a doctor. At any sign of sickness the seasons, contact the pediatrician who will help diagnose and will be the most effective treatment regimen. Even the common cold if improperly treated can cause serious complications in children.
The baby's body can gently RUB eucalyptus oil. This will help to ease the child's condition, but the oil should not be concentrated, so as not to cause allergic reactions. Also simple child should be bathed in the bath with decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, succession. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and a hot bath will calm the baby and help him sleep. During illness the water temperature should be higher than usual: 37-38 °C. After the bath, the child needs to wrap up and put to bed.
If the baby is more than 6 months, your doctor may prescribe a special children's cough syrups based on herbal ingredients. Dry cough for sputum appointed syrups "Hamilton medical", "Doctor", "Bronchium", "Tussamag".
Effective treatment for colds in infants is a normal inhalation. Next to the child, should put a bowl of hot water and a special solution for inhalation or decoction of medicinal herbs. The child must breathe in the healing vapor of at least one hour. Parents should be around to make sure the baby does not get burned.
During illness of the child may refuse to eat or suck less milk than usual. No need to feed the baby by force. The most important thing is to prevent dehydration and give the baby enough fluids. Children already receiving solid foods, you can give fruit drinks, unsweetened fruit drinks, weak tea, broth hips.
Runny nose during a cold is causing the baby serious inconvenience. In order to facilitate breathing, you must regularly clean the nasal passages of the child with a cotton rollers moistened with a mild soda solution. An effective remedy for the common cold is a normal breast milk, which can drip into the nostrils of the baby. Combined with regular massage of the nose wings and forehead that will help to ease the child's condition.