You will need
- - antiviral drug;
- - antipyretics;
- - drink plenty of liquids;
- - feeding desire;
- - wiping the water;
- - lavage of the nose;
- - gargling;
- - low temperature and high humidity.
Before the acute stage of the disease when the immune system begins to respond to in the body of pests, there is a phase when the immune system has not given a response, and viruses have already infiltrated the body. In this period, the child may feel malaise, weakness, appear red, and the gleam in his eyes. Babies can sleep unusually long time or, on the contrary, I can't sleep. During this period, the effective treatment will be antivirals – homeopathic medicines ("Viburkol," "Allocation", "Aflubin"), chemical antiviral agents ("Arbidol", "Tamiflu"), interferons ("interferon", "Grippferon"). In this pedastry period of the disease, these drugs can block the action of viruses and to prevent the development of disease.
If the disease continues to progress, and the child appears high fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, then try to put the baby to bed. Dress your baby warmly, but the air temperature in the room decrease to 18 degrees. The air in the room needs to be hydrated to mucus (runny nose and mucus) secreted by the body to combat the spread of the virus doesn't dry out and perform its protective function.
Let your child drink plenty of liquids. The temperature of the drink should be the same as the body temperature, so the liquid will be absorbed faster by the stomach walls. If the baby is not allergic, add to drink honey. Very useful fruit drinks cranberry, bilberry, chamomile and Linden. Offer the child compote of fruit on a decoction of rose hips.
If the child rises high fever (over 38,5 -39 degrees), give him a children's antipyretic based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. In no case do not RUB the baby vodka or vinegar. Rubbing can only be done with water at room temperature, in that case, if the child is not frozen.
To liquefy mucus in the nose and make breathing easier, rinse the baby's nose with saline or sea water. When severe nasal congestion you can use special children's drops, depending on age. Do not overdo vasoconstrictor drugs, they are addictive and dry mucous membranes of the nose.
For sore throat child prepare a solution for rinsing. A very useful herbal infusions of sage, calendula, chamomile. Gargling should be carried out before meals.
Do not force your child to eat if he has no appetite. The food should be light, avoid fried and spicy food. The amount of single consumption of food should be reduced, and the number of feedings increase.
Try to create the child comfortable, keep him calm if he's scared or hurt. Your care and proper care will help to quickly deal with the infection.
How to treat a viral infection? The issue is complex. To date, influenza and other acute viral respiratory infections are the leaders among all other known infectious human diseases. Preventive measures in the form of vaccination owing to the above reasons rather ineffective, so the main question that arises in the flu, is an effective treatment.
Useful advice
A typical viral infection is well-known flu. It viruses enter the body through the respiratory tract. So the first sign of the disease will be mild pain and a sore throat. Tell how to treat colds viral infection. How to treat the flu and prevent complications? The essence of this treatment is to remove toxins from the body and to adjust its immune system to fight viral infection.