Any physical activity is good in moderation. Improper execution of exercise or excessive zeal in the classroom can lead to the opposite result. So that you are squats, if you perform them wisely.

Obvious effect

First, the effect of sit-UPS is expressed in the active growth of muscle mass on the buttocks, thighs and hips. Any other exercise to achieve quick results for these parts of the body. Second, if during squats a little wider to place his feet, and socks to deploy out, then activated the inner thighs. This is the most "capricious" area of the female body, which is very difficult to tighten. Thirdly, the use of sit-UPS that this type of physical exercise the body if used, it is much longer than, for example, the bench press. Moreover, plie squats and deep cover not only all the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also oblique and straight press. Often this exercise is performed with weights – barbell on shoulders or dumbbells in hands. Therefore, squatting, you can strengthen these areas. Those who are interested in that give squats will be pleased to know that one of this exercise you can replace a few others.

Production of testosterone

The positive effect of sit-UPS has long been known to professional bodybuilders. These exercises stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for muscle mass growth. Thus, squats, Cycling the greatest number of muscles are conducive to the hard training of the body as a whole.

The reverse of the medal

No matter how effective they may be, the harm from squats too. If you perform the exercise incorrectly, for example, to calculate the forces and to take too much weight can lead to disc herniation. Squats with weights, you can't execute teenagers, as they can stay in growth. Deep plie with splayed toes often lead to the dislocation of the knees and ankle joints. So squat with a weight you can only after a full medical examination. And then you have to regularly pay a visit to the doctor, who will monitor the changes in the body. In addition, we must remember that excessive zeal in squats may be fatigue and exhaustion that will lead to inability to continue classes. It is therefore necessary to train according to the best of their ability, increasing the load gradually.