Pain in the liver area need to take two tablets "But-shpy", which has antispasmodic and analgesic effect, improving the condition of stagnation of bile. Take this medicine can be no more than 2-3 times a day, and stop taking it when better overall health. "Nospanum" precautions should be taken by people with low blood pressure. Also when the pain in the liver proved to be excellent preparation "Allohol", which is composed of natural bile acids and activated carbon, which eliminates the toxins from the body.
Great choleretic tablets are also preparations "Flamin" or "Jollity", based on vegetable raw materials. To get rid of pain in the liver and significantly restore function will help hepatoprotectors "Essentiale" or "Karsil", which is quite expensive, but they cover all costs. Well established synthetic drugs "Endoxa", "Hollenzen", "Zikaron" and "Ozalid", which has potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
In chronic liver problems that cause a painful discomfort in her area, it is recommended to Supplement medicinal therapy with the use of alkaline mineral water. The excellent effect of providing such water "Essentuki", "Karachinskaya" and "Borjomi", which contain mineral salts, intended for the treatment of liver diseases. To ease his condition in the morning to drink a glass of water and continue drinking throughout the day in small portions.
If the pain is quite sharp, should be abandoned for a few days from all the foods and sit on a diet, which will allow the liver to cleanse and restore free flow of bile. If the soreness does not pass even after taking painkillers and they are joined by a fever, should go to hospital for appropriate treatment a severe attack of cholecystitis or consult with your doctor to determine the presence of gallstones, in which no bile products are strictly contraindicated.