The TCI controller is the worker that provides quality control, technological process of its production. Data workers are involved in different spheres of production activities, ensure internal supervision of the compliance of products with the established norms and standards. This is why their specific rights and obligations are determined depending on the chosen field of production, type of products manufactured. General rights, obligations of this category of workers are fixed in their model job descriptions, the contents of which are often duplicated in the texts of labour agreements.

What rights does the TCI controller?

TCI controller has the right to control the timely and full implementation of production tasks to employees. From this right derives also the possibility to report to the direct management of the violations revealed during check of observance of the technological process of production, control of product quality. Also, the employee has the right to report to management about the distinguished employees to submit their candidacy for promotion. In the process of its execution, he is entitled to give binding orders to subordinates, other persons whose activity is under his supervision. For optimal implementation of their own functions the controller TCI has the right to interact with other services and departments of the company, to request from other departments the necessary documents and information to send them the information.

What duties does the TCI controller?

The primary job responsibility of the TCI controller is to oversee the implementation process. While this obligation applies to a certain area of production, which is responsible for this employee. Control is performed on the basis of test results, instrument readings, which is measuring activity. In addition, the employee is obliged to control the proper technical condition of the equipment directly involved in production activities. To analyze the data, workers are often required to perform direct sampling of products or to monitor the correct and timely implementation of the specified selection. Finally, the TCI controller is obliged to take part in the acceptance of technical tools and equipment after repairs, replacements, cleanings, and other similar procedures.