Daisies and other flowers

Border perennials, there are many. This low, lush flowers. One of the most unpretentious – daisies. From mid-may to early July you can sow their seedlings directly into the garden bed. The ground should be loose. If it is severe then mix it with sand or peat. Plant seeds in moist boroski, the depth of which is only 2 mm top and sprinkle with peat.

Soon there will be sprouts. When they turn a month, you can plant the seedlings on a permanent place at a distance of 15x15 cm from each other. If you want decorators curbs were sitting more close to each other, then reduce those numbers to 10 × 10 cm

Caring for daisies minimum. In a drought water them 2 times per season feed complete mineral fertilizer. Remove the spent buds, as they are not very good-looking, Mature seeds falling in the ground will germinate, creating saudinet landings. In addition, the plant will be wasting energy on ripening seeds, instead direct them to your own needs.

In the same way you can grow and many other border perennials, for example, columbines. It is also quite simple to propagate by seed. It is sufficient to do this once, and variegated blossoms on thin stems will delight for many years.

Daisies bloom from may and almost all summer, and Aquilegia – only in may-June as obrieta. It is very decorative and will delight you with blossoms of various colors in these months.

Plant low varieties of purple iris. His bright, oddly-shaped buds are decorative and fragrant honey aroma.

Charming natural creation, flowering all summer

If you need a wide band border of perennials that will bloom all summer then plant some ground cover roses in a row at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The plant is undemanding, but responds well to fertilization with organic matter. The winter rose enough to cover lapnikom or non-woven material, pre-sprinkling the trunk 7 cm peat.

If you want the edging of the tracks was quite low, white or purple, the plant alyssum. The plant grows only up to 10-12 cm and blooms from early summer until frost. The same long period decorative verbena, but it reaches a height of 45 cm, so it can decorate the outside of the curb.

Speaking on what are the border perennials, it is necessary to mention Armeria municipality, Grachevka, molodie, Auge, bell. Colors of the buds is rich and diverse. You can choose for planting the bell of his favorite colors. Easy to grow pink, white, purple, blue, lilac. To white not Perepelitsa, put it separately from colored varieties.