Vacuum extraction: indications and contraindications

Vacuum extraction is used in case of acute lack of oxygen the child or with a weak labor activity, not amenable to correction drugs (prostaglandins or oxytocin). To exclude adverse effects, keep the following modalities for the vacuum extraction of the fetus: uterine throat should be fully open, the child must be alive, his head should be in the birth canal.

Vacuum extraction of the fetus is performed as follows. The mother catheter is in the bladder, apply anesthesia, perform a survey of patrimonial ways. Then the obstetrician opens with one hand the vagina, while the other hand inserts into the Cup fixture, places it on the baby's head, creates a negative pressure in the bowl. Then the mother of the Dr begins to push, and the doctor at this time have to pull the fetus.

Vacuum labor is not used in unsolved uterine throat, too high positioned head, and if the child is dead or premature fetus. Contraindications for vacuum extraction are also: heavy as mothers, which eliminates the probability of birth, delivery before time, the discrepancy between the size of the head of the child and the pelvis of the woman, extensor types of presentation of the fetus.
Evacuation extraction is not applied if the new mother is forbidden to push for certain indications.

What could be the effects of vacuum extraction

Vacuum extrace – not too effective and traumatic procedure, so in most cases it is used instead of caesarean section. During the vacuum delivery may be damaged delicate skin of the baby's head. If the procedure drags on, to save the baby's life it will have to pull out with forceps. Other effects of vacuum extraction is slipping Cup apparatus from the head of the baby, lack of baby's movement through the birth canal, birth injury of the baby.
With vacuum-extraction of the uterus and vagina of the mother can be injuries.

Birth trauma can be varied: bleeding in the brain, paresis, paralysis, convulsions, retarded growth and development of limbs, impaired muscle tone, hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension, hypertensive syndrome, cranial nerves, and perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), cerebral palsy (CP), speech development delay, psychomotor development delay, pneumonia, minimal brain dysfunction, urosepsis.