Before you take any medications, pay attention to your diet. If you eat too much salty, fried and pickled foods, limit their consumption or completely eliminate from your diet. The less you will eat salty and hard to digest foods, the less you will have to stay fluid in the body.
Drink strong green tea or black with milk. Coffee also has a slight diuretic effect, but it can occur thirst, which leads to the opposite effect - edema. Helps to get rid of the accumulation of water in the body cranberries, cranberries, watermelon, melon and fresh cucumbers. Eat fruit or drink fresh juice.
Brew fennel seeds or parsley leaves. Broth take throughout the day in small SIPS. The average dosage of dry raw material per Cup of water is about 1 tablespoon. Such diuretic can be taken by pregnant or nursing women, as these herbs are not harmful to health, and have a positive effect.
If you do not help, buy a diuretic or a diuretic collection. The composition of these medicines includes herbs that have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. But remember that natural ingredients can be allergic.
When the swelling did not go at all or continue to accumulate, immediately visit your doctor. After passing all tests you will be prescribed diuretics, for example, "Verospiron", "Deursen", "Furosemide", "Hydrochlorothiazide" or similar. Make them yourself is not recommended, as they can cause various kinds of complications, especially if you have problems with the kidneys. The tool needs to choose only a specialist.
Read reviews about this stuff. Discussion and articles about HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE. When used together with corticosteroids, ACTH or calcitonin increases the risk of hypokalemia. Hydrochlorothiazide, while the application reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs.
Useful advice
Hydrochlorothiazide reviews, manual, price. The drug is Hydrochlorothiazide a diuretic effect, antihypertensive properties, the drug use in hypertension, both as monotherapy and to enhance the antihypertensive action of other drugs.