You will need
  • Blender, washed and dried rice
For making rice flour at home you need to take a domestic device for grinding – blender. You can use a coffee grinder, but to grind rice to flour is very difficult. Then the container for the products need to pour the rice and grind, stirring occasionally. After a few minutes, the rice flour is ready.
Rice flour is made from ground polished rice. It does not contain gluten and is composed mainly of starch. Rice flour is digested. It can be used as a thickener for sauces. As the main component of the dough is rice flour used in the manufacture of noodles and pastry.
Rice flour is used as an alternative to glutenous flours (rye, wheat and oats). In the manufacture of some varieties of baked goods and desserts with the use of rice flour gustatory quality of dishes turn out to be much higher than with conventional wheat flour. In traditional Asian cooking rice flour is used for baking sweet and sticky coconut cake.
Bread from rice flour is obtained with a crisp and crumbly. As the rice absorbs a lot of moisture, adding flour to the dough you need to add more eggs. Then the finished product will not be too dry.

Rice flour the smaller the better. In the manufacture of baking the rice flour should be taken in smaller quantities than wheat. And water – on the contrary, more. For yeast products rice flour is not suitable as it does not contain gluten. Bake product from rice flour needs a little longer and at lower temperatures than wheat.

If there are issues with tolerance of wheat flour due to its content of gluten rice flour can be a great alternative for making cakes.

Products from rice flour – a real salvation for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.