You will need
  • carrots,
  • -honey,
  • -onions,
  • -milk,
  • -plantain.
Nursing mothers when you cough will help herbal remedies based on thyme, thyme, plantain, licorice root, ivy, anise and other vegetative components. Use means of promoting expectoration, thoracic fees and elixirs.
Put bedtime a yellow card, but only higher up the neck to hit the chest. Also at night RUB a honey that morning is completely absorbed into the skin.
Bedtime drink a glass of very warm milk, add a little butter and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink it in small SIPS, it will help to better warm up the throat and will relieve sore throat.
Take one black radish peel, make it deeper and add a little honey. Leave the radish in a warm place, when a juice, use 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
Breathe over the steam potato, covered her face with her blanket, do inhalations with essential oils and herbs. Can drink cough medicine "Mukaltin", they are made with herbs.
Take fresh carrots RUB on a grater, squeeze through cheesecloth. To the carrots, in equal proportions, add a little warm water and sugar, better honey. Drink this juice 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day will calm a strong cough.
Here is another tool available to all. Take a rather large onion, grate on a fine grater, in the resulting mass add honey, in an amount equal to Luke. Take the resulting mass after a meal, three times a day for 1 tablespoon. Tool drink throughout the disease, and in the winter months it can be taken for prevention.
With a painful cough, you will help the infusion of plantain. Pour 4 tablespoons of dried leaves in a pint of boiling water, wrap and infuse for an hour. Then strain the infusion and drink 3-4 times a day for 2 tablespoons.