You will need
    • 10 (50) grams of propolis;
    • 100 milliliters of water.
Before preparation of the solutionand the propolis, put in the freezer refrigerator. After a while it becomes brittle, and it can easily be rubbed on a grater.
The first method of preparing an aqueous solutionand propolis. Boil water, pour into a thermos. Add 10 grams of crushed propolis, then close the cover. A day of water solution of propolis is ready for use.
There is another method for preparing an aqueous solutionand propolis. 10 grams of crushed propolis pour in a Cup of warm water. Heat the mixture on a water bath to 80 degrees (not higher), stirring constantly. At the same temperature the solution is hold for 15-20 minutes, stirring on a water bath. The received mix to filter and pour in a container of dark or opaque glass, store solution in the refrigerator. Such a water solution can be stored for a week.
There is another method of preparing the solutionand it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2.5-3 months without adding any preservatives. For its preparation take 50 grams of crushed propolis, pour it with warm water and simmer under the lid on the water bath for one hour, stirring occasionally. Thereafter, the mixture, strain and pour in a jar of dark glass.
Water solution of propolisprepared with the above methods, has a brown color and a pleasant smell. It can give the residue, so it before use to stir.
The aqueous solution can be prepared from the residues of propolisthat remain after preparing an alcohol solution. These residues cover with water in a ratio of 1:2. Heat in a water bath to 80 degrees, constantly stir for 10 minutes. Then filter and pour in a jar of dark glass. Such a water solution of propolis is a yellowish-brown color and a pleasant smell. You can keep it in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 months, after this period, the bactericidal effectiveness of the solutionand is lost.