Use the service "Yandex.Direkt". To access this service you need to host your website on hosting or on a paid hosting. In addition, the number of visitors to your website should be more than 300. For advertisement from the service "Yandex.Direct" need to apply for free approval of your website. Payment you can obtain the purse "Yandex.Money" or Bank card.
You can make your online advertising platform using the service "Runner". Unlike "Yandex.Direct" this resource works with sites located on free hosting. The limitation on attendance is 300 people. Payment is by Bank transfer or via Webmoney.
Ads by Google can be made using Google AdSense, which even works with obscure sites. Minimum one-time payment amount is $ 100, which can be obtained through the Rapida payment system or Bank transfer.
Selecting suitable advertising service, proceed to the placement of materials on its website. On the service page, you can "rent" ad unit. Pre-configure settings ads: size, color, content, etc. Find an html code block advertising. Next go to your website and log in to the admin section. Make a backup copy of the css styles and files sidebar.php. All changes will be made to these files.
Add a description of the styles of advertising banners at the end of file style.css: common block banners sb_banner_conteiner, height banner height:130px, background color background:#ff6c36 padding on the sides of the content block padding:7px external indentation on top of another block margin-top:15px and the outer margin below another block margin-bottom:15px.
In the file sidebar.php place a link to your ad banner after the first tag. Save all changes and restart the website to check how to display the ad unit.