Most conflict situations related to the passage of x-rays, arise in obtaining various certificates in medical institutions and appointments to specialists, since according to internal rules, all applicants for medical assistance are required in the course and to "enlighten" their lungs. But really these rules are in conflict with the laws of the Russian Federation. If you do not want to undergo chest x-rays, and it is not obliged to do so.
The basis for your refusal x-ray examination are article 33 and 34 of the "Fundamentals of RF legislation on health protection of citizens" and article 1,7 Federal law №77 "On prevention of TB spread in the Russian Federation". In accordance with these laws you have the right to refuse fluoroscopy, and medical professionals need an accessible form, and politely explain why your actions are wrong. The fact of the waiver and an indication of the possible consequences of this are documented in a special log signatures and your health professional.
Medical assistance (including medical examination) without the person's consent is allowed only in cases if he suffers from diseases dangerous to others, severe mental disorders or if you have committed socially dangerous acts.
The decision to require x-ray examination may be legal, if the chief sanitary doctor of your region signed a decree about the threat of an epidemic or the presence of mass infectious diseases. This resolution clearly indicated the grounds which compel its adoption of specific measures to combat the threat posed and the time of execution of this resolution.
If you do not want to undergo chest x-rays, but health workers without the mark are not willing to issue you a necessary certificate or to make an appointment with a specialist, you can write a letter to the chief physician of the clinic that you are refused admission due to lack of records of the training fluoroscopy.
In the statement specify that you waive the survey based on the above articles of the law, and that the actions of the employee health clinic (indicate his name, position or office if he refuses to call themselves, and also the time when the conflict occurred) violated your legal right to the provision of medical care guaranteed by the Constitution and the Federal laws of the Russian Federation.
Next, enter your information, including your medical policy, and ask them to consider the actions of the staff of the institution in terms of legality, and to inform you on measures taken in their respect in the pretrial order, in the statutory period.
Once you write this statement in two copies, take it to the office of the medical institution. In one instance that is you, accepted the employee must specify the date, incoming number of the application, position and signature. You can also send a statement by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
Useful advice
A similar statement can be written to the Prosecutor in your area. But, as a rule, in most cases, this problem is solved already at the stage of appeal to the head physician.