To get the picture from the website is possible in several techniques. To do this:- open the page, hover over the image the cursor; click the right button of the mouse on a graphic file; in the pop-up menu select "Save picture as...", set folder options and click "Save".You need a picture appears in the place in which you sent it. After successful completion of the operation to be sure, check the image in the correct folder. If not, then you are wrong, he pointed out.
If for any reason you can't get the picture using the described method, save the entire web page. Take the cursor on a free space and right click, select "Save as...", in the opened window specify the location where you will get the content, the file type should be the inscription "the Web page completely." The result should appear two new elements: a fragment of a web page and the folder with its contents. In it will be all the pictures that were published.
If the fundamental quality requirements drawn image is not presented, copy the web page by pressing PrtScm. Then open a simple graphic editor Paint ("start"-"All programs"-"Accessories"), cut out your desired location and save it. However, this method will require a lot of time if you have to get a large number of images.
Faster method would be copying the images from the code page that is opened by Ctrl and U. Find the location of the image you want and click the link a new window will appear, and in it you will see the image. Then, we only copy it, right-click and move to the desired folder as described in the first step.