Extract flash movie from the browser cache. This is a temporary storage file in which the app puts the elements of a web page for a possible re-visit to that same address on the network. Depending on the type of browser to look for a place to store temporary files in the computer should be in different folders. For example, to reach the cache of Google Chrome on the system OS disk, open the Documents and Settings folder and navigate to the directory with the name of the user account on the computer. Then expand the directories, Local Settings, Application Data, Google, Chrome, User Data, Default, and Cache. The file that you need to look in the vault, should have a fresh date, the preservation and extension swf.
If you use the web browser Internet Explorer, look for the cache by yourself do not have. Open the menu section "tools" and select "Internet options". In the window that appears click "Settings" in the section "browsing History" and in the next window, click "Show files" storage of temporary files will open in separate window "Conductor".
Instead of searching the cache you can use the option preserve all elements of a page to any location on your hard drive. To do this, after loading in the browser page, press Ctrl + S. the screen displays a save dialog where you can specify the folder where will be saved all the elements of the page, and choose in the drop down "file Type" line "Web page, completely". Click the "Save" button, and then click set in the dialog folder, and locate other objects needed a flash file.
To download flash video from any of the popular Internet resource, you can use a web service that allows you to get the usual link to download the file. To do this, copy in the browser address bar the address of the web page containing the flash movie, and go to Paste the link in a single text form field in the drop-down list next to it choose the name of the web resource and click the "Download" button. After a couple of seconds under form fields you will see a link "Download file" click it, right-click and select "Save as".