You will need
  • - netbook/laptop with access to the Internet
  • phone/smartphone with Internet access
  • - the documents for the car
  • - insurance policy
Log on to the website - it provides services for the assessment of damages in an accident. If you just phone or mobile, use the mobile version: To calculate the damage for this service require registration. You will be asked to enter some data for the transaction. If you are not registered, then the calculation can only be obtained for a fee.
Select "Region of the accident". In the combo box is represented in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. If your current location is not listed, mark "Other regions of Russia".
After you select the region you will be given an option to select the production of your car. There are only two options: domestic or foreign model.
Set your make of car in the next pop-up window. You can choose only from the presented items, but they are listed in full (e.g., the Dodge brand is not).
Select the model and series of your car. Please note that separately stated, for example, sedan/hatchback and the number of doors. Specify the year of the car. It begins with 1980 and ends in 2012. Check or uncheck the boxes "body Color – metallic". Confirm.
In the new window, select the damaged part of the car, click on the arrow down. Falls a hidden menu where it is necessary to note the actions necessary to repair the damaged parts. Individual lines are functions of the "Tail" and "Color". Click on the icon "to Obtain the settlement."
Next, calculate the damage correctly, you will help called to the scene, the expert technician. For this it is necessary to contact the telephone number listed in your insurance policy. Also would be good if there is an opportunity to show the car to the independent expert. In this case, the insurance company will not be able to reduce the size of the payment.