Trade unions, as a rule, exist in all state-owned companies, such "giants" as automotive companies, OAO "RZHD", etc. When applying for a job there will certainly offer to join a Union. In order to become a member of a trade Union, you will need to write a letter asking for admission, as well as to give written consent for the deduction of dues from wages.However, after some time your view of the activity of trade Union may vary. Participation in it may stop you make and there is a legitimate desire to withdraw from the Union.
To implement this solution, please see the trade Union statement. It should be addressed to the Chairman of the trade Union Committee. Enter your name, surname, patronymic, position and place of work. In the statement write about their desire to secede from the Union organization. Mark the date and personal signature. Hand the application to the Chairman. In addition, apply the company's accounting Department with a request to stop the transfer of membership dues.
The deadline for the submission of an application is 1 month. If for some reason you must resolve this question before, specify in the statement the exact date of release and reason. It should be considered to the specified date. Since the trade Union is a voluntary public organization, no barriers to exit may not be (article 30 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). However, we must remember that in case of refusal to participate in it, you lose the protection a Union of your interests in the event of misconduct by the administration (discipline, dismissal, deprivation of the award or reduce its size).