If the smell comes from a newly acquired piece of linoleum - there's not much to worry about "flavor" for the most part comes from the slices of material (unless, of course, the quality of linoleum initially confirmed by an appropriate certificate). It's the smell of those chemical compounds that were used in the manufacture of linoleum. Normally, this smell a couple of days-a week after the purchase, will definitely wear off, and the linoleum will cease to allocate mikrochastitsy chemical compounds into the air. In order to expedite the process, after buying the flooring, lay the linoleum side facing down and leave in a ventilated area for two to three days. This procedure not only helps to align the linoleum before installation, but also eliminates the Intrusive smell of the coating.
However, if the smell lasts a long time, you should consider the quality of the coating. Of course, you can try to get rid of the smell by using specific methods: in the room with a new linoleum you can try to light candles that have the property to burn in the flames of unpleasant odors.
You can also try to remove the smell by repeated processing of the floor covering with a solution of pcusa, who, being a solution of a weak acid, will help remove odors.
Can help and frequent airing of the room in which was laid the new linoleum.
If methods have not yielded the desired effect, then, most likely, purchased coverage applies not to the home version, and released for commercial or semi-commercial use in industrial premises, warehouses, etc. Therefore, prior to buying the coverage you need to check the certificate of quality from the seller, which guarantees the safety of the product. Indeed, the presence of the odor is not only annoying - it signals the secretion of various chemical compounds unsafe for human health. Therefore, if the linoleum continues to "smell" a month or more, despite all the measures taken, it should be wary and think about changing the flooring.