Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) is a small bird gray-brown color with a reddish tail. Its size is slightly larger than the Sparrow. The Nightingale breeds in Eastern Europe (except North), in the center and the South of Western Siberia. In the winter flies to the southern half of East Africa (tropical part). Home the nightingales return in the spring, in early may. Upon arrival from is a dense shrub thickets, and nest. And only after 4-5 days after the "housewarming" when breaks the first crop on the trees, the warblers are beginning to burst into their gorgeous trills.

Singing males only. And they sing in order to win the female. The song is a sign of courtship girlfriend, who at this time sat near the singer and listens carefully. And the virtuosity of the Nightingale will entice the female, the more likely their Union. The song of a Nightingale sitting on a branch low to the ground. During zasypnogo "concert" he forgets about the dangers and demonstrates his skills selflessly so that the bird can be approached closely and even touch hand.

Refuting the legend, invented by the poets that nightingales sing only at night, songbird takes the trills in the daytime, just a day its a bit louder than the sounds of other birds.

Winning the female, the Nightingale continues its concerts up until his girlfriend will not hatch Chicks. It takes a little over 2 weeks. The singing of the father as if to encourage the female in her difficult task, and also informs her that everything is calm around. Silent Nightingale, as soon as the Chicks so as not to attract attention to their nest animals and birds. Now he is alert and will publish only short cries of warning females of the danger.

Singing nightingales can be heard only in spring, since all the remaining time is relatively short summer the nightingales will never courtship and singing songs. They already need to nurse, to nurture, to teach them to fly their offspring. After the fall of already-grown Chicks nightingales will have to re-migrate to warm countries.