Features strawberry

Inspect wither strawberry bushes. The leaves of this culture without access to water very quickly lose turgor and wilt. Therefore, the simplest reason may be insufficient soil moisture. Especially brightly it can occur during the buildup bushes of herbage in early summer and after fruiting. Organize abundant watering of the beds with strawberries. If the weather is Sunny, you need to spend watering in the morning or evening.

Pests and diseases

The reason for drying the leaves can result from damage to the root system of a Bush of strawberries. Check how well kept the plant in the ground. Mole or mole cricket, a burrowing in the soil, sometimes strongly gnaw the roots and even push the strawberries out of the ground. If the plant you have in a single instance, it is possible to transplant a Bush with a lump of earth into a new place and plenty of water.

Also drying and death of leaves may be caused by a number of fungal diseases: leaf spot, gray and fitoftoroza rot, powdery mildew, verticillatae decay.

Inspect the leaves of wild strawberry on mother plantation (bushes over 3 years old) and young mustache. If sick are just a few instances, simply tear out and burn the bushes. When more extensive infection spend the spraying of plants to one of the allowed fungicides.

Prevention - the key to success

For the destruction of diseases and their prevention do not ignore comprehensive treatment of both young and adult bushes. Early in the season after snow, clear strawberry plantation from the dry leaves and frost-injured plants. All collected foliage burn. Swipe spraying a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture to combat fungal diseases. In the early phase of the nomination floral brushes guide bushes the processing of soda ash with soap (sulfur colloid) of powdery mildew. After harvest, cut the entire aboveground part of the plant in severe cases of plantation diseases. Don't forget a good feed (complex fertilizers) and to water the plants. If diseases focal, swipe spraying 1 % solution of Bordeaux fluid.

During the laying of new plantations of strawberries, select varieties more resistant to fungal diseases. Do not place the shrubs in moist soils and in locations where in the previous year cultivated strawberries. Throughout the season keep the soil under the plants clean from weeds and moderately humid. Time to remove the mustache on the mother plants.

Remember during the ripening of berries for strawberries cannot be treated with chemicals. This can lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in the berries.