Call Center customer service of the Bank VTB24 number 8-800-100-24-24. For this advance enter your phone number in your contacts. You may need it in the most unexpected moment. Toll-free in Russia. The center operates around the clock.
Tell the operator the reason for your call, call my name, name and patronymic, it is advisable that you call the number of the lost Bank card and the expiration date. It will be useful to store this information in the phone or in a notebook.
The card will be blocked immediately after the call. And as soon as the operator will report about it, specify its data (surname and name). Write them down, noting the date and time of the call.
If you did not have a phone number of the customer service Center of the Bank, call in any available room of the Bank. Or call the help Desk, where you will prompt number. Try always to have at itself the necessary data, especially if you keep the map a significant amount of money.
If you are abroad and can't reach the banking service to block the card, contact the Russian Consulate.
Once you're within reach of the nearest branch of the Bank VTB24, a contact there with a written statement, confirming the card has been blocked. Later you can apply for the new card (if not found) or it is unlocked. In addition, the Bank can also help you get the rest of the map money.
You can block the card and in that case, if you suspect that someone has learned the PIN code and card number.
Useful advice
It is important to immediately contact the Bank as soon as you discovered the loss of the card or any amount of money with her. Otherwise the Bank will not be able to help you. To return the money taken without your permission is unlikely.